Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Solstice & First Things

Hail Fortuna!  Happy and Joyous Solstice!

I am a lover of the Goddess Fortuna and will use this space to explore Her Divinity as it is revealed in history, mythology, popular culture and my own gnosis.

Fortuna is a Great and Mighty conscious power, an expression of Infinite Divinity older and bigger than the Roman Empire.

She was an italic Goddess in the distant past, before She was embraced by Latin speakers and She is a living force yet, One who chose to never leave us: She has remained vital and known as Lady Luck, hope of the desperate, and never abdicated Her place in western culture.

Now She is once more honored as a Goddess, and the deeper meaning of the Holy Names, like "Fors" or "Fors Fortuna" becomes clearer: She is the Cosmic one who "brings forth," who causes all things to come into being.  She is Magna Mater and Primigenia, First-born Mother of All.

Fortuna's primacy is linked to the primacy of "Chance," or that mysterious force that looks like randomness to the limited human mind. Fortuna is not, however, capricious -- those who have said She is have not understood Her deeper mysteries, nor the secret of the Axis of the Wheel.

All who are raised are raised by Fortune; all who fall fall by Fortune.  Yet this is the course of the rim of the Wheel.  The Axis is still.  Fortuna has radiated all things from Her Person, like the spokes of a wheel, but remains tranquilly enthroned at the heart of things, the still center.

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